The controversy surrounding Tokyo’s Yasukuni Shrine is well documented. The enshrinement of Class A war criminals coupled with Prime Minister Koizumi’s yearly visits make it an issue of extreme tension (to say the least) between Japan and its neighbours.
Meaning Yasukuni is a magnet for right-wing fanatics and revisionists alike. And needles to say the chaps below weren’t singing the latest Hamasaki Ayumi single, or knocking out a rousing rendition of ‘Give Peace A Chance’.
Jason says
I came across some of those guys driving around in a very un subtlely decorated van last time I was in tokyo. I never really understood exactly what they wanted for Japan. If you know anything about thier beliefs, etc. I’d love to hear it.
quaisi says
China HATE; America HATE; Japan GREAT I think would just about some it up.
Dave Garten says
I suspect there are Japanese men who served with honor, despite the horrors of the second world war. And among them some with the capacity to live long and remember some who did and did not.
It would not hurt to hear them and to even honor them – not the war or why we fought it – but honor the soldier. It is not generally the soldier that first dishonors his country and culture, but rather those that ask him to do so.
I too, have served. When the people elect (or allow) someone not worthy of the honor to lead them, the consequence is real…and ugly.
When a miilitary man commits an act that demeans centuries of honor and courage, it is a tragedy…but not the end of honor or sacrifice.
We should all respect those who give their lives in pursuit of honor…even if they are misled. Young soldiers do not have the freedom to distinguish the finer shades of honor and dishonor…yet they serve…and die…or remember when they are old.
He gives us but one life to lead (if you believe in God). You have but one good life…on this Earth…at this time (if you don’t). Make the best of it. Love the one you’re with.
Dave Garten
a.k.a. TOMODOG
dgarten@nova dot Oh.Ahr.Gee