Very soon, if indeed it hasn’t done so already, the iPhone 4 will become the most popular camera on photo sharing site, Flickr. An achievement that is surprising in some ways, and yet not when one considers that it’s the only camera many people will always have on them. Perhaps just as importantly, it is also fun, versatile and capable of taking some fairly decent photographs.
And it’s those latter aspects in particular that personally attract me, meaning that I’ll often take photos with my phone even when I have my ‘proper’ camera with me. But different kinds of photos. Primarily places rather than people. Like this unusually retro-looking street for example.

Or a briefly resplendent river.

But mostly it’s buildings. From old ones.

To grim ones.

And even those with gorillas on them.

But at other times, when the iPhone is the only camera I have on me, it does a passable job of photographing people. Such as this baby left all alone at a barbecue.

A very relaxed old lady on a train.

And finally, Captain Jack Sparrow on his way home from what was presumably a busy day doing whatever it is pirates do.

These, and other pictures can be seen over at the aptly titled, Tokyo Times iPhone Photos. All of which are also posted on my Twitter account.
BiggerInJapan says
that last photo is hilarious!
Lee says
Got to say, I was a bit taken aback to say the least. It was so surreal to see him sat there every time I looked around. My hope is that he has a regular office job and goes to work dressed like that every day.
Kimura says
I didn’t notice jack sparrow, i was looking at the girl next to him.
I see pirates every day, but observe the girl.
The torn jeans at the knees and holding two bags… What’s that about?
Kat says
That photo with a baby is really cute, but the Jack Sparrow one beats them all! Hmm, maybe it’s for a promo or something? Today is the release of the movie. 🙂
Lee says
Nah, pretty sure it wasn’t Kat. It turns out he’s been spotted by a few people over quite a long period of time. His regular clothing it would appear…
NihonBurp says
Wow the picture of the river with the cherry blossoms is amazing. The relaxed granny is also great. The first photo with the tram, is that near Ouji, Kita-ku? I previously lived there and it looks mighty familiar
Lee says
I can’t remember exactly, but after a quick look at the map, I think it is.
NihonBurp says
I thought so, I think that tram line is like the oldest one in Tokyo, or something like that, the denentoshi-line
asddude says
I love the second photo.
It looks like an early 20th century hand colored photograph, lovely effect.
Lee says
Cheers. Yeah, it does have that look, doesn’t it? That’s one of my favourite spots.
ameiji says
My fav is the one with old lady, she’s just so cool with these glasses! 🙂
Lee says
Yeah, she was interesting. Nice to see somebody so relaxed and happy on the train.
winnie says
I don’t know that iPhone 4 can take such nice pictures.
I like all the pictures!
The cherry blossom is so beautiful and animated
The 3rd picture , the old building look mysterious.
The baby is sleeping soundly even if it is noisy.
Captain JackSparrow is cool!!
Lee says
With a few apps, the pictures are certainly passable. Certainly not bad for a camera I will always be carrying.
cocomino says
I like the second photo.Really impressive.
I wonder about is that you could take the last photo because people may be angry when other person takes a photo.
Lee says
Nobody noticed. Or at least I don’t think they did. I had my fingers over the speakers, so there was no shutter noise.
Lizzy says
Fantastic set! 😀 Very interesting captures.
Lee says
Thanks Lizzy!
Kate says
I’ve long talked about how I would never get an iphone but these pictures make me reconsider my very strong anti-iphone position (which really isn’t anti-iphone as much as anti-AT&T)
Lee says
I’m a big fan of Apple stuff, so I can’t give an objective opinion. Or compare it to other smart phones. We are pretty lucky here though, as the rates for the iphone are very reasonable.
domo. says
the people in the last picture act like jack sparrow sit next to them on the train everyday haha
domo. says
except for the lady maybe, she seems to be very protective of her bags!
Lee says
Yes, she was a little surprised when he sat down beside her, but amazingly nobody else gave him a second glance.
nzgenkichan says
There’s a Jack Sparrow character at Disney Sea. That guy could be him I suppose, but I would have thought they weren’t allowed to wear their costumes out of the park. What train line were you on?
I LOVE the tram line (it’s the Arakawa). It really feels like you are stepping back into a Tokyo of the past. I’m so glad they didn’t take it out of service like so many other lines. I wonder if it still pays its way. It seems to be fairly well patronised. At the Minowabashi end is a very cool retro shootengai selling cheap everything!
Love your site Lee. One of my faves!
Lee says
I saw Captain Jack Sparrow on the Seibu-Shinjuku line. He’s been seen in a few different places by people I know, so he either gets about a lot, or there are several people who wander around Tokyo dressed as a pirate!
I’m a big fan of the tram too. Gives real character to the parts of the city it passes through. When I have travelled on it, certain sections have been really quite busy too, so hopefully it’ll survive. It’d be a real shame if it disappeared.
I actually took a few photos of the shotengai at Minowabashi. They are here. I really liked the place as well as the surrounding area. Very blue collar, and very friendly.
Locksley McPherson Jnr says
Wow, look how chilled out that woman is reading her book, I love it! Feet up, shades on and long train ride ahead.
But Jack Sparrow has to take the award in this set of photos haha! I like how he’s squeezed in between ordinary people and it all looks so natural. Interesting job/hobby he must have 🙂
Lee says
Yeah, I’d love to know what he does…
Sachi says
Beautiful photos! I love the relaxed lady and Jack Sparrow in the train! Love love love!!!
Lee says