The traditional Setsubun ceremony is performed at countless temples across Japan on February 3rd — an event that involves throwing beans to dispel devils and bring good fortune. At Asakusa’s famous Sensoji Temple, however, the main event is also preceded by a lantern-bearing procession. A custom that may not bring luck or banish evil, but it does make for quite a spectacle.
Willy says
I remember the bean throwing as being quite painful.. soy beans dried rock hard and thrown with force then hitting the skull did not an entirely pleasant experience make…
Lee says
That was the first time I’ve ever experienced it. Didn’t get hit fortunately, but I did catch a small bag of beans, so it’s good luck for me this year. Or at least it’s supposed to be!
John says
Very cool shot!
Interesting to see a different shot of Asakusa. Great timing!
Lee says
It was fortunate. Saw them moving towards the temple and just had enough time to get up the steps for a good vantage point. Fascinating to both watch and photograph.
Norbert Woehnl says
Love the angle and atmosphere of this, Lee! Almost like a still image from an epic classic movie 😀
Lee says
Thanks, Norbert!
Interesting sight, isn’t it? I saw them moving towards the temple, so I made a mad dash and got there just in time!