Tokyo is hot and humid every summer, but this year is going to be a stinker, with power saving setsuden setting the agenda. A situation that means many workplaces are now sticky and uncomfortable sweat-boxes, and the once soothingly baltic climes of a convenience are now barely cool.
However, while escape from the heat is hard to find, it can at least be countered, and some tunes and a beer or two isn’t a bad way of going about it.
winnie says
Everywhere can see the notice of setsuden. When take the train or bus, most of people are so sweating and sticky. 🙁
She was so relaxing and cool while enjoying her beer. 🙂
Lee says
Yes, she definitely had the right idea. Beer makers, if nobody else, may well benefit from setsuden.
Mike says
Great pic!! Our classes at the uni still have aircon, but our offices are like those hot boxes they used to put people in to force them to lose weight. Which explains why I’m never in the office; I get most of my work done sitting outside of Starbucks sipping ice coffee.
Although beer would be better!!
Perhaps in addition to “cool biz” Japan can take a further step to allow employees who can do part or all of their work remotely to do so. You can guarantee that people will become more productive since remote work requires very clear progress targets and goals. And people work faster when fast work is rewarded. (As opposed to office grinds, where everybody knows they have to be there till finishing time, so why hurry!) Remote work would also mean less crowded trains, fewer taxis polluting the air, less chronic depression in general, and more beer consumed!!! A win win situation if ever there was one!
Lee says
Cheers Mike.
Yeah, never thought about that, but it makes perfect sense. Commutes are never fun, but in the summer they are even worse. Like you say, a win win situation if there ever was one. Odd that it hasn’t been given more coverage, or pushed as a good idea.