Situated down a narrow little Tokyo side street, the shop below is wonderfully old and ramshackle. It’s a building that appeals so much I’ve passed it more times than I care to remember, and detours enabling me to drop by again are never a chore. The owner, however, I’ve only seen twice. Well, clearly, anyway — he’s usually tucked away in the back watching television. The first time was back in August 2014, when I managed to get this quickly snatched photo.
Then, last week, I was lucky enough to see him again. A sighting that was a pleasant surprise and also a stark reminder of the time that’s passed, as while the building hasn’t changed, its inhabitant clearly has.
Dan Waldhoff says
Last week I looked in a mirror and saw my grandfather’s face. Until then I’d seen my high school yearbook portrait …
cdilla says
I know that feeling. But I do need to concentrate. For everyday mirror viewing when shaving/teeth brushing etc my brain just blurs out the differences. It’s those pensive nostaligic moments when I ask my reflection, “wtf happened mate?”.
Lee says
I know eh? I still feel like a teenager. Act like one too at times — that inner schoolboy is never all that far away. The once fresh faced looks of that boy, however, are a very different story altogether…
Denton says
Big fan of the first shot in particular. Could be from a different era!
But only 3 years? 😮 Time hasn’t been kind to the poor guy……..
Lee says
Cheers. Yeah, even with the Asahi fridge there, it still looks like many moons ago, doesn’t it?
The grey beard perhaps exaggerates the ageing, but yes, there’s definitely quite a change in a relatively short time.
GenjiG says
He is getting old fast indeed… What kind of shop is it?
Lee says
Does seem that way, doesn’t it?
It’s a tofu shop. At least that’s what I think it is — or perhaps was. He still wears his work clothes, but I’ve never seen him working, or indeed seen anything produced.
cdilla says
A great pair of images.
I like the way the scuffing over the Asahi “A” was painted over at some point.
I think the lighting is responsible for most of the apparent aging. Aside from the hair the changes are just due to the differences between him being outside in the soft ambient grey light in the former smoothing wrinkles and dimming the contrast of skin blemishes and being back in the shadow of a harsher sunlit scene highlighting the same.
Lee says
Good spot. I hadn’t noticed the bit of paint on the fridge. Odd really, as the inside of the place is a right mess, so wouldn’t have thought a bit of scuffed paint would be a priority.
That’s an interesting point. As I mentioned above, the grey beard may also be a contributing factor. Hadn’t thought about the light though. A large building that used to sit opposite has fairly recently been demolished, making it much brighter. The only thing I’d say is that the moment I saw him, and before I’d even lifted the camera, it did strike me that he looked a lot older. Again though, that could be down to the light.