The apparently small size of most Japanese apartments is often mentioned in the media, but it’s far from the case for a huge number of homes.
That said, however, stereotypes invariably contain a considerable amount of truth, although even this previously posted monolith-like place is positively massive when compared to the preposterously narrow apartment pictured below.

Its mindbogglingly compact design making simply getting a cat inside somewhat complicated, let alone setting about trying to swing it.

Jerome says
Love it! Very reminiscent of the tube houses I see everyday in Vietnam, though the Japanese version looks cuter and somewhat cartoonier (if such a word exists).
Nokus says
Well I’m sure it will suit Victora Beckham fine.
The worst thing is that it doesn’t surprise me…
Maybe it’s well organized hahahaha
Jozee says
Does anyone really live in that space? Or is it a shopfront?
Lee says
Can’t say for sure, but there’s a post box, a few umbrellas outside and stuff for hanging laundry, so there’s a very good chance someone does.
Tornadoes28 says
That can’t be more than 5 feet wide, 6 feet tops.
I love it.
Josie says
wonder what the floor plan is like. just trying to figure out how they would arrange furniture!
phossil says
mmm, where is the bathroom??
kid tung says
I’ve heard the Japanese have introduced a new measuring unit for houses & apartments: the vending machine (VM) 😉 That house for example must be around 18 VM…
S in Shanghai says
What you don’t see is the 250 sqm basement, complete with pool table and a bar.
Tornadoes28 says
So where to they park the K car?