After visiting the abandoned but perfectly preserved mountain school last year, it seemed inconceivable that there was a similar haikyo out there that could match it. And in many ways, the incredibly decayed Shimo Ashigawa Primary in Yamanashi Prefecture, doesn’t. There are no desks neatly arranged. The sense that students may return at any minute simply isn’t there. Plus personal effects-wise, there’s very little left.
Yet despite lacking all of the above, it has an atmosphere and serenity that arguably makes it just as compelling.

Situated near a river and behind a little enclave of houses a few hours from Tokyo, the structure in many ways mirrors the decline of the location itself. While clearly never a bustling metropolis, it was still a community that warranted a school, and along with farming, was one of the region’s many silk producers. In 2006, however, due to a steady decline in its population, the village was merged into the nearby city of Fuefuki, resulting in it and the surrounding district being dissolved.

The school, on the other hand, disappeared long before that, although its history goes back much further. Founded in 1876, as well as existing in its current form since 1954, it must have been second home to countless children — not to mention a key feature of the small community. Yet the last time students walked along this corridor was 38 years ago.

Since then, Mother Nature has slowly but surely began to claim the building back. Typhoons and winter weather, plus the school’s rather exposed location, have left the windows in a dreadful state — meaning the structure is now completely open to the elements.

And it’s this aspect, especially on a bright, sunny day, that arguably makes the school so appealing.

Yes, there are only a few mementoes of its previous life and inhabitants.

Elements that for me personally usually make such places so interesting.

Most notable was some craftwork that one or two students probably poured their hearts and souls into.

Along with this key that someone would have been in charge of.

And an old can it may have been stored in.

Plus there was this rather forlorn looking woman. A portrait that presumably meant something. To someone. At some time.

But regardless (or possibly even because of) these memories, it was just a wonderfully peaceful place to be. A feeling that even the building’s dubious status as a double haikyo couldn’t break.
Details are scarce, but after the school closed in 1974 — although when exactly and for how long isn’t clear — it was used in connection with the area’s aforementioned sericulture trade. The odd leftover cocoon, hooks hanging from the ceiling and silk production-related machines where desks once stood, giving the place a slightly surreal vibe.

One that, considering its dilapidated state, may sadly not last too much longer.

But while it does, it will remain very special indeed.

rachel says
Long time follower of your photo-blog. But I really liked this one the best, especially the last three shots here. So poetic and quiet
Lee says
Thanks Rachel. It really was a special place. If the last 3 photos in particular capture even just a little of its atmosphere, then I’m more than happy.
Meow • Japan & Urbex says
This school is pretty nice and has a very relaxing and peaceful atmosphere. I’d like to go again this summer to see it with lively trees and green leaves all over it . Hopefully this one will last longer than the previous one 🙁 …
Lee says
Let’s hope so, it’d be such a shame if it was demolished.
It would definitely be interesting to go during different seasons. In several years too, to see how much more it has decayed.
winnie says
Awesome shots!
Many holes on the flooring, you must be walking very carefully.
I was attracted by the first picture with green and quiet surrounding, also the last picture let my imagination gone wild! 🙂
Lee says
Thanks Winnie.
The floor was pretty dangerous. I nearly went through it near the windows in the next to last shot. Gave me a bit of a fright. Wouldn’t have wanted to fall back into the broken window frames…
Michael says
Wonderful post Lee. As amazing as it may seem, I’ve yet to actually visit an abandoned school haikyo! Your posts make them look incredibly special though. I’m very keen to get out and visit one :).
Lee says
Cheers Michael.
This and the previous one have arguably been my favorite haikyo, so I can’t recommend them highly enough. Hard to explain, but they have an atmosphere all of their own. Sadly the one linked to in the post has gone, which is a real shame…
Michael says
No way! Demolished already? Dammit…
Lee says
Yes, by all accounts there’s nothing left. Not even the statue…
LAObserver says
Excellent Lee. I especially like the last one. Just like the final lesson, on the final blackboard, on the final day of school.
Lee says
Thanks. The next to last one is my favourite. For the reasons you mention, plus the decay. Sort of sums up why I enjoy visiting these kind of places so much.
Jeffrey says
Whereas we both agree that a ferro-concrete monstrosity like the Kappa Onsen should be razed and all traces that it ever existed removed, a wooden structure like this can simply moulder into the landscape. On the other hand, I’d love to see structures like this disassembled before it came to that because they, at one time, contained so much good lumber that could be recycled. For example, much of the floor looks to be in good shape.
Lee says
Yeah, but if they had pulled it down, those memories and everything else would be gone. And more importantly I wouldn’t have been able to visit it!
It could still happen though. The other, immaculately preserved school has gone. So there’s no reason why this place won’t go the same way…
Branden says
Lovely lighting.
Lee says
It was. My hope was a nice bright day, and thankfully the haikyo gods were kind. Very kind.
Jsh Panda says
It is like the castle of Sleeping Beauty after 100 years of sleep. One might ask, why does it happen? Even if the school were to close, the building could have been used for some other purposes. Civilization is always an encroachment upon nature.
Lee says
It was used for a while in relation to the silk trade, but for how long I don’t know.
Basically it’s in a village that is slowly dying. The children have long since grown up and left. There’s simply no use for it anymore.
xingible says
What was written on the board in the last 2 pictures?
Lee says
Sadly nothing of interest. Just some names and dates of other people who have visited.
Jason says
Fantastic shots as always Lee – the classroom shots at the end are my favourites.
Will have to try this myself on my next trip to Japan I think.
Lee says
Thanks Jason. Yes, that room was something else. So peaceful.
You should. You’d definitely enjoy it.
Lurker says
Centigrade and Fahrenheit!
Lee says
Yes, they had all bases covered when it came to temperature!
JJ says
Wonderfully captured. How did you discover this place?
Lee says
Cheers. Like most these days, I found it on the internet.
Willy says
Good one. One of the 7.5 million empty buildings in Japan apparently… plenty left to explore!
Lee says
Wow, where did you get that figure? And more importantly, do you have any specific locations?!
Riccardo says
I was wondering if you have thought about the possibility of shooting in this kind of location with a model… For sure I’d like to… Nice serie!!!
Lee says
Personally I haven’t as I feel the places are more than interesting on their own. A few people do though, and the results can be pretty interesting.
Nathalie (@spacedlaw) says
A wonderful haunted (and haunting) find
Lee says
It’s a great place. One of my favourites.
Carrie says
I love the way you capture the fragility of our material culture in so many of your posts. The way things decay and melt back into nature. It’s just so lovely and sad at the same time. I hope you continue to find more and give these fascinating places the immortality they deserve.
Lee says
Thanks Carrie. I hope I can continue to find them. Hopefully ones as interesting and atmospheric as this place too. That sad beauty really is special, giving each place an atmosphere all its own. My only hope is that I managed to convey at least a little of the serenity of the school.
Alice Gordenker says
Lovely photos. Thank you.
Lee says
Thanks Alice.
furugistar says
I agree with Rachel, the last three shots are beautifully peaceful. Kind of reminds us how long ago our own school days were.
Just discovered your blog, I am a follower from now on 🙂
Thanks, from another Brit in Tokyo.
Claudia says
Again an amazing job!! this photos are magnificent, i just started learning photography!! but damn u r good!!!! the sharpness, the details and composition <3
Lee says
Thank you very much!