Something of a legend in the hugely competitive world of overly large fruit, Takao Hoshijima has once again produced Japan’s most prodigious pumpkin, with his latest entry comfortably winning the top prize at a competition in Kagawa Prefecture last Sunday.

Weighing in at 357.8 kilogrammes, the phenomenally-sized fruit — along with its owner presumably — will head off to Oregon next month to represent Japan in the world pumpkin championship, where the hopes of a nation will rest heavily on the 71-year-old’s fragile frame.
Yet despite his obvious proficiency with pumpkins, Hoshijima-san has allegedly confessed that he’d be much happier getting to grips with some big and juicy melons, or perhaps more surprisingly, swapping the outdoors for the oven and trying his hand at some big buns or baps.
Bunny says
Lee, how could you make fun of a guy with an obvious case of elephantitis of the scrotum. You have no idea the trouble and shame that poor man has each day, wheel-barrelling his enlarged bollocks about.
For more info on this life threatening disorder visit:
Bunny says
And here:
Bunny says
jonathan says
Why, your man there would never get five yards down the Ashington Leek Show, man. I’ve seen bigger turnips down me grandad’s allotment…
Peter says
Not far from where I live in California is a town called Half Moon Bay, where they also is the site of a big pumpkin festival (and the organizers say it is the world championships). I wonder if we will see elephantitis guy there?
Bunny says
Peter, one can only hope. This disorder (Elephantitis of the balls) needs more coverage. Yes, condoms munst be bigger!….But, the media has to address the cruelty that this disease brings to so many afflicted. I applaud Lee, for dedicating this site to the illness. Wow, I heard he will donate 90% of all profits to the Elephantitis Charity Fund. What a philanphropist?!?
Used Panties says
The Youtube link was gross, imagine those balls sitting on your chin!!
Harvey says
Christian says
No, but seriously, what is the thing with giant fruit? Somebody is always growing a ninety-pound melon or a twelve foot carrot. You don’t see New Yorkers bragging about rats the size of Yugos.
Bunny says
Christiane, if you have elephantitis of the balls, you have no choice how big your fruit will grow. But, if it should grow, I cannot see why one shouldn’t enter it into a competition. Again, I just think that it is brilliant of Lee to donate 90% of all profits on this site to the Elephantitis of the Balls Trust (E.B.T. sponsored by H.R.H The Prince Of Wales).