A young lad, doing an old dance, in unmistakably modern Tokyo.
Sunday worship, Tokyo festival style
Japanese Coming of Age Day generations
One is coming of age, but both of them are very much creatures of the age.
Japanese festival colour and concentration
The ferocity of the summer sun has happily long since faded, but with it have also gone the vast majority of Japan’s festivals; traditional events that make the long, hot months far more bearable. Fortunately, however, there are still a few that come later, and while the heat may lack its former intensity, the colours and concentration on display most definitely don’t.
As a side note, I have finally got round to producing a proper portfolio of my photography, so if you fancy a look, it’s here, at leechapman.photos.
Kimono chameleon
Seeing a kimono is always a treat in Tokyo, but this particular sighting was that little bit more special due its oddly calming, almost chameleon-like qualities.
A Japanese priest on horseback in Tokyo
Exactly what the title says, along with a colourful, but rather carelessly placed parasol. A sight that needless to say is not something one sees everyday. Or indeed the vast majority of days. Making the slightly surreal scene all the more special.