Or perhaps better still, all of the above?
Food and Drink
Tokyo restaurant kitchen grime
Japan loves its rules and regulations. Of that there is little doubt. And yet oddly, when it comes to kitchen cleanliness, it almost comically seems like it really couldn’t care less.
A lovely old Tokyo bar owner
Old Tokyo bars are fascinating little places, with layers of grime and lines on their owners faces hinting at the history played out in them. Key elements that were thankfully in evidence at the eatery below.
In business for 68 years, the current Mama-san has been in charge for a mere 13 years. Her mother, who originally hailed from Hokkaido, opened it and was the proprietor for the other 55. A period that has seen an absolutely staggering amount of change, but inside the bar, time has pretty much stood still. And all being well, it will continue that way for countless more years to come.