No dreams of Michelin stars or celebrity customers; just good basic food, in suitably basic surroundings.
Food and Drink
Timeless Tokyo drinks
The more things change in Tokyo, the more they really do seem to stay the same.
Tokyo drinks and disagreements
Work may well be over, but drinks clearly don’t dilute the disagreements.
Tattoos and a relaxing sake in a Tokyo bar
Tokyo can be a horribly frantic city. One that all too often barely gives its residents time to breathe. But amidst the crowds and seemingly incessant noise, there are pockets of calm to be found. Places where one can sit down. Have an afternoon sake. And let the hustle and bustle slowly fade away.
A grubby, cramped, but great Tokyo bar
Like so many of Tokyo’s bars that are old, cramped and in need of a good clean, this one was a real joy. Serving cheap food and booze, it was packed full of character. Not at all lacking in characters. Plus signs of its 30-odd years in existence were plastered and splattered all over the walls.
So pretty much perfect, really.
The simple pleasure of books and beer
No smartphone. No tablet. Just the simple pleasure of beer and a good book.