Arriving back in Japan from Britain, the contrasts between the two countries are considerable, such as the torturous heat of Tokyo compared to northern England’s almost negligible nod at it, and the fields being full of rice rather than rapeseed. Plus how, at least as far as the latter is concerned, the crop is cared for. With Japan boasting creations all the way from the colourful,

to the covered.

And even curvaceous.

Along with a few others that sport kimono-like clobber,

or a somewhat comical countenance.

With some even looking suspiciously like characters from comics.

And last but not least, the odd creation that could well be considered a little cruel.

phossil says
I wonder how they gather the clothes??
Lee says
There are a few houses nearby, so I’m guessing they are just old clothes that nobody wanted.
MJG says
Great collection Lee- I’ve seen a book of these photographs on the shelf somewhere- for some reason placed next to the haikyo photography. Maybe you could make your own book?
Lee says
Cheers Mike. Trouble is, these are the only ones I know of, so it’d have to be a pretty slim volume. A haikyo book on the other hand, now that would be something…
Jonathan says
Great shots Lee, poor ole Pooh 🙂 You could do a book your tranquility shots even? Or even a collection of them, like tranquility, workers etc. I’d definitely buy it 🙂
Lee says
Thanks Jonathan. If I do ever produce something, I shall be banging on your door the minute it is released!
ait_meijin says
Count me in! ^_^v
Jonathan says
Hehe that would be fantastic! There is a book over here and in the UK too called ‘rackgaki’. It’s a book of Japanese graffiti, while I do enjoy I wish it had other topics, locations in Japan. I really think your work would be great for a collection of culture in Japan 🙂
Rei* says
I’ve seen some scarecrows around 😀 I love them! I dont get to see them much in my country though (Im from Costa Rica) The first one I saw was in Osaka, right behind the Umeda Building, I was so surprised.. specially because it was night and because of the lights of the place it looked a bit creepy. Again, great pictures!
Doris says
No me parecen que asustan mucho, se pueden hacer con la cabeza de cualquiera de mis dolls, y con cualquier ropa que ya no use por vieja, estan buenos para Halloween.