The jacket pictured below is decidedly uncool in a fashion sense, but when it comes to the hot and humid Japanese summer, it’s the coolest clothing out there.
The clever people at PC2B have equipped the jacket with 2 fans that send a current of air through the garment, helping to reduce body temperature. By wearing it you may appear to possess the physique of a sumo wrestler, but at least it will stop you sweating like the proverbial pig.
Here’s hoping that air-conditioned underwear is next on PC2B’s list.
Stephen Chung says
I’m interested in purchasing the PC2B air-conditioned jacket.But I lived in Hong Kong so I wondered if overseas pruchase will be possible and the necessary processing procedures.Thanks!
Lee says
I read that they were only available online, so I’m guessing they’d ship to Hing Kong.
Unfortunately I don’t know which site is selling them.
Jonas Ramirez says
Anyone can tell me the link to the shop who sells them? I have been looking unsuccessfully for some hours now, and I know some people who are very interested in purchasing one. Thanks in advance for the help!
I find it weird that they announce it and then nobody tells your where to buy it!
Blanca says
Hi, my name is Blanca, i live in Seville, Spain, is a very hot city, 45ºC in summer, i watch this shirt on t.v. i tougth that this cloth could be wonderful to wear in my car, dont have air-aconditioned on it, but is impossible to find it to buy.
Can help me, someone know where i can buy it, what web can i find it?
em says
hang on, hang on. how about if you *don’t* zip up a rubberized jacket on a hot humid sunny day, even if it does have fans, and thusly remain cooler??
oliveira roberto says
cool clothing informaciom priss
to yen
Usama Masood says
Please let me know about the web site to purchase this air conditioner jacket.
dude says
please someone answer me. is there a danger of flying or floating away once the fan is turned on. i am afraid of heights and do not wish to end up 50 feet high.
Wilbur Wright says
Indeed there is mate! If this garment is worn in an auto prone to static electricity, the voltage spike generated by sliding into one’s seat could turbo the 12 volt fans causing them to super-inflate the jacket and blow one around the vehicle like a freed balloon! Not a good situation if it sets off the air bags. Make sure that the fan circuit has a voltage controller like the Eddie Bauer version.
adnan says
Where can i get one???!
Maurice says
Below is the web site, but it is in japanese and unfortunately I don’t understand Japanese. Can anyone help?
Max3500 says
Guette la tete
Frank says
Does a fairly good job translating japanise to english.
Betule says
I live in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and it v. hot all year round. I think this idea is v. cool, and i really like it, but can anyone tell me the website that sells it? thanks!
Iris Pedro Junquera Garcia Ontiveros says
Hi there. I am from Spain and i have seen this great invention.Now i try to buy but there is one problem and is that the web that sells is only in japanese language.
Please someone knows if there is any web selling in english lenguage?
Thank you, and thank you there at Rakuten Japan 🙂
Backseat driver says
This jacket is poorly designed. The fans should be in the arms so you can sit down and not block the fans.
Jesse Jones says
I live in Maryland, USA
rémy dumas says
hello, is it possible to get the adress and the name of the responsable of PC2B ? I live in France and i’m interested to buy the air conditionned jacket. Thanks,
John Harrison says
Hello everyone
I got my air cooled stylish jacket from a UK England firm called Ronfell Group ([email protected]) who supply military personnel with air cooled, electronically cooled/heated car seats and heated jackets and classic styled jackets. Hope this helps everyone.
Email me if I can help you
Will I Am says
I live in Central Florida and I suffer from Multiple Scloresis. This jacket could sell big time, just in Florida alone, not to mention to the MS community. Anyone found a web site that is not Japanese?
Zac says
There are many types of airconditioned jacket you can chose from, so i just picked this one to translate
Due to the energy saving measures , this summer you still can do your house work happily with this blouse!
Made of 100% Polyester. Charger is not included for this item. This is a long sleeve airconditioned jacket designed mainly for in-home use.
There is a 1 year guarantee for this jacket (except for battery and damages due to wear and tear)
Due to many request to increase the strength of the wind (From the aircon in the jacket) and prolonging the battery life, you can purchase LP_PRO battery. There is a switch on the battery to change to 5volts,6volts or 7.2 volts. If you switch to 6 volts or 7.2 volts the strength of the wind will increase.
To purchase, you scroll to the end of the page. However i think they only shipped to areas in japan (but i could be wrong). There is an english version of rakuten You can check this link for the aircon jacket (in english) I believe they do ship overseas.