Yesterday saw Kyoto’s Daigo Temple host its annual rice cake lifting contest. But don’t for a minute think that the lifting of cakes is easy and not worthy of being classed a sport.
For starters the desserts in question aren’t light and fluffy sponge cakes, rather two big and hefty rice cakes. Weighing in at a gut-busting 90-kilogrammes for the ladies, and 150-kilogrammes for the men.

And to make the event even more challenging, competitors have to lift the cakes in the air whilst not resting or balancing them on their stomachs. Then when this unenviable feat has been achieved, whoever can hold the cakes up the longest will be crowned cake-lifting champion. A title that presumably grants the winner a lifetime of respect, honour, and financial security.
Corinna says
Prosperity, above all.
Wendy says
Lo Hung Dong of China is the Olympic Rice Cake Lifting Champion.