When it’s hot and humid, walking around Tokyo can be extremely hard work — exhausting really. An endeavour that is only manageable due to an abundance of vending machines, and regular refuge in air-conditioned buildings.
But for little kids, the temperatures must seem even worse — something they simply can’t deal with. So what better way to see some trains,

or the sights of the city,

than by having your teacher take care of all the hard work?
Fashimi says
These children trolleys are just too ridiculously cute! I can’t help smile whenever I see them.
I took a photo of the cute little YMCA kids last here: http://www.fashimi.com/2010/12/09/picture-me-rollin/
Lee says
Those little YMCA caps are great!
[Gm] says
I think the main purpose of this ‘children cart’ is for the safety of the children.
It’s easier for teacher to ‘control’ and ‘supervise’ them during the travel from school to park (or wherever) if the children are in the cart, rather than telling them to walk in line.
The teacher only have two hands, and these children can be, well, ‘children’ (playful, run around wild, out of control)… it’s safer to confined and limit their movement during the short trip.
Lee says
Yeah, especially where there is a lot of traffic. That said, I have actually seen them being used by the river. The poor teacher was having a real struggle dragging the cart across the grass.
domo. says
definitely a one of the kind field trip! Also the first time I’ve seen a male kindergarten teacher in Asia for a while.
Lee says
You know what, I’ve never thought of that before, but yeah, in Japan at least, they are almost always women, aren’t they?
domo. says
It’s almost always women in Mainland China and Hong Kong! A while ago there was a show in Hong Kong that interviewed a male kindergarten PE teacher, and there was a scene where he was having a meeting with fellow teachers, who are all women!
NihonBurp says
Oh I thought it was the child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, either way those kids are cute.
Lee says
Yeah, their excitement at seeing the trains was great!
AdelaideBen says
I came across these on my last trip to Tokyo, and both my wife and I did that simultaneous awwwwww, when you know that something’s seriously cute. Like one of the previous commenters, I suspect it’s more about the control and safety aspect rather than the heat. I can’t imagine seeing something like this here in Australia, but that’s not because it’s a bad idea. It’s nice to take even young children out to experience the world around. It’s also good that they’re all hatted up.
Lee says
It’s because of that very reaction I’ve been hoping to photograph one for ages, so I was glad to finally get the chance. They were a happy bunch too.
Yeah, I don’t actually think they are due to the heat, but when it’s oppressively hot and humid, they must be an absolute joy. On the day I took the photo, I’d have dearly loved to have had someone push me about!
Calissaja says
I love the kid carts! I often see them in Kyoto when they bring the children down to play in the river. The kindergarten’s near my office and I guess it’s just a little too far for the kids to walk there and back – and the cart’s great for corralling purposes!
Lee says
Yeah, I can well imagine. The kids do seem to like riding in them as well.
Don says
I love how the little girl in the second shot made eye contact – what a cutie!
Lee says
Yeah, she made that picture. No doubt about it!
winnie says
the kids are so cute! You snapped the photo at the right moment as the little kawaii girl is looking to your direction.
Great shot!! 🙂
The first time when I saw this kids cart was at Unoki. No matter how many time I see , I still find it was amazing and interesting!!
Lee says
Yeah, I was happy to get that shot. Lovely smile too.
Must admit, I’m the same. The sight of them always fascinates me.
nausje says
I can just hear someone saying: Kawaiiii! 🙂
Lee says
Lots of people!
tomphile says
Where did the man get the shopping cart in the first place?
arabesque says
oh! that’s a pretty cool and ingenious idea,
only japanese can think of something like this.
were the kids sitting or standing inside? ^0^
and the kids are just adorable, on the 2nd foto, one kid was actually smiling back at you.
Lee says
Yes, the kids were standing. They always seem to be. And yeah, she gave me a lovely smile!
S in Shanghai says
We actually had a discussion about that a few years back in Denmark. Kids were way too influenced by women, hence they wanted more male kindergarten teachers.
Janine says
I absolutely LOVE these baby jails!