March 3rd is Hina Matsuri (Girl’s Festival), a time when families with girls display traditional hina dolls and pray for the health and happiness of their female offspring.

This festival has been a part of Japanese culture since the Edo Period (1603-1867), and is said to have originated in China along with the custom of transferring bad luck from people to dolls. But such a long history hasn’t stopped Mickey Mouse and his pals from hijacking proceedings, turning the event into just another cute and cuddly moment.

Simon says
Wow! Never thought there would be a market for them. I never even envisioned it was possible. Crazy.
Nacente says
Time change things, but these things should be changed with things like that.
dzogo says
I have seen a couple of sets here in Irvine with Hello Kitty characters. They sell for US$600.00 and above!!!
They look great (my wife thinks I am crazy when I say that, which I probably am;)
Nacente says
I meant “Time change things, but these things shouldn’t be changed with things like that.” SORRY
Brett says
If people want to transfer their bad luck onto mickey and the Disney corporation, I say go for it.
Bunny says
I once assassinated Mickey Mouse in Disneyland. Yet, unbelievably, within ten minutes, another offending black-eared rodent appeared, proclaiming to be Mickey.
Brian says
It’s all a sad conspiracy. I can’t believe people actually buy/use the disney dolls.
aa says
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol