After wowing the nation with horse, maiko, and eco bras, Triumph International has now produced a baseball bra; the rather fetching little number being created to support a new professional baseball team, The Rakuten Eagles.
The Eagles it turns out are the first new team to emerge in 50 years, and what better way to honour this historic event than with a novelty bra?

Spirit Fingers says
I’ve been wanting to post about that interesting bra design. Triumph always comes up with those weird theme bras. Anyway, that Triumph model, she’s been around for a while now hasn’t she?
Bunny says
Missing Japan already! I saw two hideos monstrosities in Mickey Mouse ears yesterday, in an English city. ONLY in Japan would this ever be passable. I need to get back………
Lee says
Yeah, Triumph certainly can’t be accused of lacking imagination. Like many of the models/talents/celebreties, I know her face, but I wouldn’t have a clue what she’s called.
Upty says
aww, you must’ve missed the tiger ones that came out for the Hanshin Tigers way back when… XD
erica says
ewwwww!thatsWEIRD~!! Even though im interested in japanese life!!
hug0 says
try Yu Misaki for the triumph japan model
Worn Panties says
They have to be the most uncomfortable looking panties and bra I have ever seen..
MrDrool says
I’d like to swing my bat at her baseballs.