Triumph International, famed maker of both the Haruurara and maiko themed bras, has upped the ante even further by producing a completely recyclable design made specifically for the Expo 2005 Aichi Japan.
The slightly unusual looking item of underwear is made from corn, Deccan hemp, and paper. But sadly for anyone interested in acquiring one, they are for the Expo only, and will not be made available to the general public.
And after that rather pointless and decidedly dull preamble, here’s a picture of said bra. The only reason for this rather lame post.
Jen says
I don’t think it would be good to swim in.. might get too wet with the paper and all! Still interesting! 🙂
minispace says
Considering the one ‘live’ model in the picture and slightly on-topic yet mostly off-topic: I think you are just to man to advise me on this:
Is it true ? 😉
Lee says
That’s an interesting story minispace. Never seen or heard about that before. But if it’s on the BBC it must be true!
It doesn’t really surprise me though. I read something fairly recently about meetings for parents of single children. They’d turn up with photos and info on their single child, and see if they could match them up with anybody.
Imagine that. You get into your 30’s and your parents are hawking pictures round of you like a piece of merchandise!
sophie says
Apparently I should be wearing a 44A jockey bra. Problem is, there is not a wide variety of sizes available. I usually just buy the largest one I can find.The jockey bras (3) I last bought were Large: much too tight so I had to add an extender at the back. Also, the straps keep falling down, and the strap adjustor is in the back – impossible to reach. Very bad design! The upshot is I hate wearing bras and wear camisoles instead. I challenge someone to fit me with a comfortable jockey bra where the straps don’t fall off my shoulders and the strap adjustors are in the front.