For Japanese men of a certain age, multi-pocketed vests are unfathomably deemed as desirable — de rigueur even.

But for photographing festivals,

it seems that these trusty little tunics also need to be supplemented with tightly rolled towels,

wrapped carefully around closely shaved crowns.

Jason Collin Photography says
Lee, long time no comment.
Only in Japan is a true camera geek able to go out in full gear without feeling the least bit embarrassed! I’d like to have my own camera vest, but don’t think I’ll trade in any of my sweet basketball headbands for the faux-halo towel roll-up. At least this guy wasn’t a Nikon shooter! 😉
Lee says
The towel thing I can never see happening, but I do worry that somewhere down the line I’ll wake up and have an irresistible urge to go out and buy several vests. Which, fashion faux pas aside, will also result in another trip to the shops to buy things to fill all those pockets…
Matt says
Surely you could just put more clean towels in the pockets.
Tornadoes28 says
How do they get the towels to do that? Sweat bands seem much easier.
Lee says
Years of practice I’d say. An art form that the fella in the third picture in particular has undoubtedly mastered. I’m no expert, but I’d say towel wrapping and rolling doesn’t get any better than that.
S in Shanghai says
Hey, we also see our fair share of men in vests here in SH. But the annoying thing is more those big camera shoulder bags with stuff you never are able to afford…..
Probably those guys are taking crappy pics anyway.
hiikeeba says
I like those vests. I guess that means I’m old, too.
The Envoy says
Convenience trumps looks.
Molly says
Why do so many of your articles just seem to be mocking Japan and its people? Maybe it’s time to drop the “oh look Japan is so weird” attitude?
Will says
In Japan you can’t be a real photographer without a vest….I see these guys all the time, quite worrying. Once at a festival I even saw a group of them bringing all their gear in the original boxes, taking out a body and a lens, take some shots, put the lens back in the box with the coverings, take another lens out it’s box….hard work.
Nice to see a photo series of the little oddities most people miss out on.
Jason Collin Photography says
When I was in Tokyo, I was dying to get a camera vest. Since moving back to Florida, I feel not motivation to do so. Maybe it’s because I’m not really photographing events here. I can keep everything in my bags and carry them easily. Also, it’s damn hot here, so not looking to add layers of clothing.
If I ever move back to Tokyo, I would totally walk around the city in a camera vest though!