With spring now in full swing and the temperature in Tokyo hitting an almost summery 17 degrees on Sunday, winter fashion is feverishly being phased out to make way for considerably less cumbersome clothing.
A shift that, for those with a desire for the somewhat indecorous, can seemingly result in one or two women bravely walking about,

in barely more than their birthday suits.

(images via the FG Forums)
The Truth says
Japanese women definitely have the bodies to pull off that look. I fear the day that American fatties try to copy it. Nothing sexier than a lot of flabby rolls.
Neil Duckett says
That chicks a bit too skinng for me though.
Frankie says
One word- EAT
Mark says
Yikes. Better not walk about in the sun like that.
Sarah says
I think that just looks trashy and totally unstylish. You can be sexy/scandolous if you want, but thats UGLY
Paul says
Eeurgh. That looks terrible. Way too thin.
You need to introduce pies to Japan, Lee.
The Truth says
Yeah, have some Burger King, KFC or McDonalds. I’d love to see me some more fat ass chubbos. Why should America corner the market on nasty fat chicks???
スãƒbernat says
First, too thin… second… well, no second xD
Locksley McPherson Jnr says
GOSH! Thats mighty brave to actually wear that out!
colleen says
what’s with THAT? it’s way trashy and not a good look!
Mugami says
Poor girl. She’s got no muscle and no body fat. This could explain the whole japanese bra size system… …She reminds me of the guy from Silverchair or scene kids.
The Envoy says
Hmm…no fans of DFC (delicious flat chest) here I see.
Mugami says
If I wanted a flat chested chick, I’d just date men.
rock solid says
she is thin.
Vic says
I like how all the American fatasses on here are screaming she’s too thin. Don’t hate because you can never look that good or fit into those clothes nor have men falling over themselves for you. Now go back into your dimly lit room and eat your cheeseburgers. Nobody likes you.
jyang says
hahahaa….totally agree!!!!
americans are just plain FAT…i’d rather be flat and look good in anything rather than slobby and FAT! lol…
sammy davis says
I’m American and really thin healthy, perfect, and a medical student thus not “stupid fat american” – my opinion of this outfit in this pic is that wearing panties as outerwear is just bad fashion. I don’t think she is too thin. To give you some inside information about generalizing americans, we’re not all fat only the people that only eat processed foods because they don’t know any better. You sound like an angry person and specifically bitter about americans. I’m sorry if people from my country make you angry, but your comment just is a form of displacement. At least America has a pretty amazing president finally! I can’t imagine you can disagree with that. For instance he isn’t stupid or fat.
Lordes says
I’m sure these anti americans are just jealous of penis size. One thing is for sure that is fat on americans – dick! I would rather enjoy a fat penis than a tiny one since they just aren’t any fun. What do you think Vic? Is that why you’re jealous? You have a tiny winkie? Anyway, if you don’t like them so much maybe you shouldn’t be using a computer or microsoft, dork. So just sit in your tiny room with your tiny penis that women will never feel!
Marshall says
If that’s healthy to you then you’re going to fail med school. A bit too thin. And she can’t fit into just anything. She doesn’t even fit in the huge pair of jeans she has on, and I’m not opposed to an alluring thong on, well just about any woman, but this is gross. At least wear a thong that fits. It’s sitting half way up her torso… overly tacky. A for effort.