After the daily horrors of his crammed commute, followed by the hustle and bustle of a Saturday morning supermarket, a gentle spot of fishing is the ideal weekend wind down for the stressed-out salary man; the rhythmic flow of the river and the odd tweet of a bird gently washing away the week’s woes.

Provided of course they can be heard over the moaning and mutterings of thousands of other want-away workers.

(click image for added ambience)
mirai says
Interesting to read ! They still love crowds even on their day off? maybe… (^v^)/
Peter says
I wonder why all the people fishing are working that one little stream, when there is another stream with no one fishing in it right next to it…
tim t. says
where abouts is this stream?
Lee says
That’s what I thought Peter. Behind them is the main part of the river, and it’s a lot faster moving, but I don’t know if that makes any difference when it comes to fishing.
It’s the Tama River Tim. Not the most scenic of spots, but it does have a good cycle path.
Shay says
There’s surely more people than fish in that river. Have fun boys!