With the likes of latex love dolls, manga and latent Lolita complexes occasionally sharing common ground, one resourceful Japanese trio has cleverly combined elements of all three – creating a product/service that potentially triples its target audience.

A bona-fide stroke of genius that is possibly even worthy of several strokes — for some.
(image via the FG forums)
rc says
tokyo time is the best blog in japan
am i the only reader from europe?
roger federer reached the aami final
read my blog
Fyodor Dostoevski says
Roger Federer loves him some latex lolita!
J Greely says
Sadly, it was posted to FG without a link to the source, so we don’t know if the complete cast of Please!Twins is available, or just these three. You’d think a Mizuho-sensei doll would be up for some Pocky.