Ever since Tokyo Times was rather fortuitously nominated as a 2005 Bloggies finalist, the increased attention has had a profound effect on the site’s readership and exposure. Even resulting in a mention on the BBC fairly recently. Yes, I kid you not. There’s a link here for any (admittedly justified) doubters.

So considering the number of people that now come here, I would like to ask you, regular reader, if the inclusion of a forum/message board would be of any interest? The focus I suppose being anything Japan related.
To be honest, such an addition is something I’ve never really thought about, not being much of a forum fan myself. I am however aware of how popular they are, and perhaps more importantly, the nice people where this site is hosted are offering a ‘one-click’ forum installation. A service that directly appeals to both my laziness and lack of technical know-how.
If any of you are interested in such a feature — or not as the case may be — I’d appreciate it if you’d either leave a comment below or send me a mail and let me know what you think. Thanks!
Ted says
I would love a forum!
Your blog has been my homepage for the past three years now. I think it’s fascinating
Roy says
First, congratulations on getting your site named on BBC! Good job!
Here’s my 2 yen on this idea of a forum.
There are so many unmoderated forums about Japan out there that end up degrading into a “how can I meet Japanese chicks?” type of thing place. I personally would not want to see your blog degenerate to that level and I think you have maintained your sense of humor with a bit of class.
If you were to create a forum I suggest you set the rules and have moderators enforce it rigorously. After a while, the forum will take on it’s own personality and it’ll attract the “right” type of people.
Tokyo Girl says
A forum is a good idea, but it will be quite a lot of work, moderation and all. So really the question is: How much time do you have? Perhaps you should do it for a trial period, and see how it goes.
It was because of the BBC thing that I discovered your blog.
seadragon says
I probably wouldn’t use a forum. I’ve had your blog linked for as long as I can remember, but I don’t expect I’d start using a forum. It’s your perspective and humor on things that keeps me coming back. If you want to do a forum and would be fairly involved, it might be worth it, because your influence would probably make it fun and interesting. But I don’t know that it’s a necessity based on increased readership.
stu says
i check your blog regularly and I enjoy the simplicity and cosiness of the site as it stands – but it’s your shout.
J. says
I am reading your blog for quite some time now and enjoy your witty writing style plus the funny topics that you pick. That is what makes your site stand out for me. Adding a forum would not be of interest to me.
If you do add a forum, please take the advise that Roy gave you. A badly moderated forum (or not moderated forum) could pull down the reputation of your site.
Congratulations on the referral by the BBC.
Reeve says
I originally came to your blog via a MetaFilter post, and have been hooked ever since, mainly for the reasons that others have stated.
I don’t have an opinion either way about a forum, but if you do decide to start one, please consider Roy and Tokyo Girl’s advice. Quality forums need to be rigorously moderated, and in general, they’re a lot of work to maintain.
ifrit says
Congratulations on the referral by the BBC.
Adding a forum would not be of interest to me. Keep a good level in posts in a blog is enough work 😉
balex says
I love your blog the way it is.
yanwong says
I’ve been reading quite a few blogs written by expatriates living in Japan and yours is the best. Informative and interesting.
I ‘m not a fan of forums.
Surronded says
You deserve that success. Regarding forums, I’ve been in a lot of forums and I like forums, but I’m not sure about the success of a forum here.
Karan says
As fun as a forum might be, to a large extent the comments serve the purpose of people discussing your posts. As everyone’s saying above, unless it’s well moderated it can very easily degrade into something that is detracting or just dead weight. Proceed with caution =)
have to say, congrats and love the site 🙂
Sarah Beecham says
Certainly, a forum would be great – definitely worth adding.
rae says
totally off the topic, i’ve tagged you as part of this blog day 2005 event.
Jason says
Yeah, I’m going to have to agree with the majority here. Forums can get really ugly.
but then again, with all these readers posting about not liking the low maturity level of forums, maybe they’re just the type to handle one with respect.
rae says
i don’t think i would be interested in participating in a forum…what would i have to say except “ah yes, those wacky japanese, who know what they’re thinking?”, and there would be the inevitable pathetic japanophile dudes trawling for “cute japanese girls”. naw. why pollute your smart ass witty site with the ignorant babble of us rabble?
Trendware says
Forums? nah, I only come here to read your stuff, not mine or anyone else’s.
Jason says
US rabble? come on. you think that the only japanophiles are american? take a trip friend.
Lee says
Thanks for all the comments. They have been both interesting and enlightening.
I’ve not quite made my mind up, but having taking on board some of the warnings; I have to say I’m veering towards keeping things as they are.
There again, if a forum could be filled with such constructive and convivial comments as you’ve all given, it would be a great idea.
Emphasis very much on if.
Karan says
Yo, Jason, maybe he meant it in the “us” sense of the word, being a collective noun? just maybe? notice the rhyming? 😛
Bunny says
Well deserved attention, indeed. Fantastic!
quaisi says
I don`t think you need one really. I fear change 🙂
Tom says
”why pollute your smart ass witty site with the ignorant babble of us rabble”
”US rabble? come on. you think that the only japanophiles are american? take a trip friend. ”
That has to be one of the best misunderstandings ever lol.
And i think a forum would be good but only if you got good moderators.
Nora Olave-Shibusawa says
Love it! But please, keep it clean, no cursing, no dirty language. And yes, there are Japanophiles from all over the world. I am lucky to have a great Japanese husband as well as gentle, loving and generous in-laws and thanks to them got to know Japan very well, looking from the insideout.
Caz says
Found your bolg through the mention on the BBC and I love it!! No need for a forum, there are plenty around all ready and you don’t need idiots spouting all their idiocracy!!
emagius says
I’m not sure what would be the point of having a forum.
On the other hand, the main page of Tokyo Times could very well use a title tag. 😉
Bunny says
I think that every individual in the world should be wearing a ‘Tokyo Times’ t-shirt. If they don’t like that, then enforce them to wear ‘Tokyo Times’ embroidered baseball caps!
Bunny says
Is that the same Caz I know, who commented above? #203 Sun Heights….
Toni says
First of all, congrats on the BBC recognition. I seriously doubt that CNN would ever mention Kaonashi Ga Suki on their website 😛
As for the forum, I agree in that it would need to be well moderated to keep away trolls and idiots looking for “cute Japanese girls”. That being said, I like your blog the way it is right now.