In the obsessive world of over-sized snack production, the residents of Kawamata in Fukushima Prefecture are currently flying high — which is more than can be said about their ingredients, as the town’s record-breaking yakitori required the use of around a dozen game fowl.

Measuring a trouser-tightening 12 metres 27 cm, the flame-grilled foodstuff got the official nod from a member of a national yakitori association, who was conveniently on hand to verify the record. A result that whilst delighting the inhabitants of Kawamata, dismayed those of Hidakagawa, Wakayama Prefecture; the latter’s reign as yakitori kings lasting a measly 12 days — a gallant effort of 11 metres 7 cm simply lacking the necessary length to hold on to the celebrated title.
However Hidakagawa Deputy Mayor Senya Yamamoto vowed to fight back, although his allegedly disparaging comments concerning girth and his counterpart’s apparent lack of it have yet to be confirmed.
JOhan says
Maybe a beer from the crazy people to go with that?
Eric at Paris Daily Photo says
Re: “Measuring a trouser-tightening 12 metres 27 cm…”
I’m still laughing! I had to read that twice!