Fashion for many Japanese may well be something that is to be feverishly followed, but with food and fuel prices rapidly rising, many people might now have to forgo the nation’s excessively opulent outlets and instead frequent more affordable emporiums.
Some of which, while boasting barely any brand names, and typically aren’t very trendy, can at least aver to be very very Takahashi.

Although whether the added adverbs, or indeed the much touted ‘Takahashi‘, are fundamental factors as far as fashion in concerned, is decidedly debatable to say the least.

straw fashion says
great, I’m the first, about Japanese they special not only in food but also in fashion I’m crazy about the KIMONO dress
Peter says
What if I don;’t want to be very very Takahashi, but instead maybe very Tanaka? Is their a store for me?
Lee says
Sorry Peter, it’s Takahashi only I’m afraid. Although there are rumours of a Singularly Suzuki opening up in the near future.
Himawari says
Awesome~! That’s sooo inaka. haha, someone needs to start a blog called “That’s so inaka!”