Salaries for women in Japan and the possibilities of promotion are still very different from those commanded by their male counterparts, but as the old guard gradually fades away, things might be decidedly different in the not too distant future.
Or, at the very least, gentlemanly conduct may be just about judged as justifiable.

Jonathan says
Leeeeee! Man you are always there at the right moment, perfect picture!
Lee says
Nah, more luck than anything Jonathan. Digital allows me to fire off a good number of shots and fingers crossed one of them will be ok!
Jonathan says
True true! I should really get into using my D60 a little more, I’ve been putting a lot of money into my DJing equipment though!
YinBao says
That’s adorable. Good work! =D
freedomwv says
well, the young man knows how to treat his lady friend there.
Sera says
Nah, he’s trying to snatch her purse!
chinesechic says
AWWWW….how cute:-)
Orchid64 says
If you observe the look on her face, you can tell she’s not happy about what he’s doing. This is very likely a brother and sister struggling for control over carrying the bag. Kids do this all the time in all cultures. I’ve seen them get into screaming fits at shops over carrying a bag containing raw chicken drumsticks. It’s just sibling rivalry.
Still, it’s a good picture to accompany and article or discussion of this topic. Personally, I observe a lot of women laden with shopping bags while their partners saunter around unencumbered, particularly as you look at middle-aged and older couples.