Yes, Hide with Spread Beaver. How’s that for a pop group’s name?
The first time I saw somebody wearing one of the band’s t-shirts, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Ok, some of the fashion industry’s English can be a bit dodgy, but still, Spread Beaver!?
Hide was the guitarist of the relatively well known X Japan, and his collaboration with, ahem, Spread Beaver was one of his side projects. Unfortunately Hide died at a wastefully young age in 1998, and in true rock ‘n roll style, his death is shrouded in mystery. Some people claim it was suicide, whilst others insist it was an accident.

But either way it wasn’t good for Spread Beaver, who/it hasn’t been heard of or seen since. A pity, as I’m sure I could have got plenty of mileage out of it.
テッド says
Wow. I heard of crazy names for bands but…man.
NaeNae says
Hehe… I like Spread Beaver… the band. lol ^^ Japanese rock bands can have some wild names, like, “Sons of all Pussys” XD
Maddy says
how about “Hide and his happy firends” ?
Maite says
I love hide and I love X JAPAN.
I had the chance to go to his museum last year (I’m French). But I heard it will be closed in spetember 2005.
There is a petition on internet and you have to sign it in order to keep the museum opened and so to keep hide’s memory alive.
With unlimitted love and gratitude.
chachamau says
I love Hides music and i hate people who diss it, that makes me soooo mad(waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)i will always be a huge fan of Hide.I miss him(waaaa)
you who like Hide other then rap are cool cuz rap sucks!!!
chachamau says
chachamau says