Prospective customers of this particular barber may well believe that as the proprietor now clearly manages without mannequins to hone new hairstyles on, they can be confident of a considerably accomplished cut.

However, on the other hand, those after one of the fella’s famed flat tops,

may well get a bit more than they bargained for.

And then some.

Sandra says
Yikes! Brings new meaning to “just a little off the top…”
Mark Tesch says
This reminds me of that manga turned movie / series. MPD Psycho, I believe it was. So weird.
RosenRed says
It’s like MPD Psycho live!
Lee says
It did come as a surprise I must admit, although MPD Psycho style would have been much more unsettling, and definitely not good for business. Not that the plant instead of brains style is especially appealing…
Jonathan says
Heh my dad is a hairdress, I’ll have to show him the latest Japanese trends!
Yoli says
Adam says
Hey Lee, seen this yet?
Lee says
Yeah, saw it earlier thanks Adam. I’m already taking a hell of a beating!