The dogged drive for world domination hardly endears the Hello Kitty cult to the dwindling number of non-believers.
Yet Japanese giant Sanrio certainly demands at least begrudging respect, as just when it seems that the marketing marvel can’t possibly produce a product that doesn’t already have the placid pussy plastered all over it — it does, this time with a banana case of all things.

Fruit and fairly featureless feline fans rejoice…
shinobi says
wow a banana case….. actually not a bad idea, but if you think about it, a banana already has its own case with the peal and all so kinda pointless still…. 7 out of 10 for creativity. and of course 10/10 for the puns Lee as always };~>
Sara says
…..Greatest gift to man’s fruity world!!
Though, it seems more fitting as a banana bag than a case.
Shanghai-Sam says
A banana case? Who the hell would buy this crap. Only thing i can think of is using it as a clever disguise for a dildo carry case.
Lee says
That’s the genius of Sanrio Sam. A gift perfect for kids and adults alike.
AS says
Great for banana lovers I guess, bonus if they like Hello Kitty. We have banana holders in the U.S. but I never see anyone buy it.
Emma says
I’ll buy one