Japanese high school girls are often described as a driving force for new fashion and, if indeed this is still the case, then checked scarves would once again seem to be essential this season.

But, while simply following this admittedly far from new fashion is the main focus for most, great care has to be taken, at least if one is to come across as cool, in coming up with a colour that is in contrast to the one already picked out by a peer.

(click images mega-sized mufflers)
k says
don’t forget the socks too ^^
Bill Bradbury says
I would like Japanese school kids to know what their great-grandfather’s did during WW2 and the sino Japanese war too.
They were nothing but the most evil barbarians and, should have been hanged for their evil deeds. They raped and murdered in the most cruel way. They threw babies up in the air and caught them on bayonets.
Prisoners of war from UK, the colonies and USA were starved of food and beaten at the slightest excuse. Anyone trying to escape was beheaded.
Young Japanese are not told this and, know nothing about this shameful Japanese history.
If I ever go to Japan,I shall shout this history in Japanese, where ever I go in Japan.
Who said that the young japanese doesn’t know about the history of imperial army or the war crimes which were committed by them. They know about it know very well and they have been taught well in their life especially. Besides there has been a war tribunal trial held against the Japanese Army & Nazi Germany and they’re still ashamed of it. But I think the Americans are not at all ashamed for committing such a hineous crime by dropping an atomic bomb in Hiroshima & Nagasaki and they’re still full of praise and boast themselves. And you’re calling them Barbarians before WW1 & WW2 there were many empires who were much more ferocious & they can also be called Barbarians for their occupation on inhabitant territories and for the treatment of other innocent people was absolutely unacceptable. So, if you want to shout in Japanese or whatever in language to tell their past you can do but I think it’s of no use.
Chris says
That’s right! Socks and special sock glue to stop them from falling down.
KYPMbangi says
They had glue for those socks?
Paul says
Commenting on this post in the UK is probably illegal.
hagbard says
No more loose socks? hmmm
d2 says
Scarves won’t be essential this season, they already are, at least on this side of the world there isn’t a single person without a scarf.
Red says
What on earth is that statue in the background of the first picture, looks a little weird ?
Lee says
Not sure what it is to be honest Red, never really taken much notice of it.
Kids playing perhaps?
Mike in Ebisu Tokyo says
I saw the statue yesterday. It is at Shibuya Station about 20 meters from the famous Hachiko Statue of a dog. It is about 6 kids frolicking.
Kee Heritage says
the girls look matured for a high school students…
maybe i should go to japan and pretend like one
and get beaten by a yanki… ahaha..
Pen says
The best choice of “checked” scarves is probably the Burberry(the ones with 3 lines next to each other). It’s a London Designer, and probably the most coveted by these girls since they are $200(american) and UP. I see Burberry on all of them in the pics except one!
Biff Stockton says
I applaud you for your candor. It’s not often I get to hear such rejuvenating banter between the lower class. It’s usually sports or conspiracy theories. In parting, keep up the good work, boys.
know one says
Biff,just read your comment you brokeass,lowlife,spongingoffbobgrousepants, get a life and lockdown the racist comments
Biff Stockton says
I am the real Biff Stockton and I did not post the above message. I found it by engine search and someone is using my name without permission. The comment does not represent my viewpoint in any way.
The Envoy says
Somehow they look rather old to be high schoolgirls. University students, maybe?
flikhype says
chances are when u flip the “burberrys” over, you will find a mark saying “made in china”.
I bought a ipod case at harajuku mths ago showing some cute jap manga character and found the same fine print when home. so many counterfeits and inferior products around these days….
DC says
flickhype, are you retarded? Burberry has factories in China. In Japan, Burberry has a spin off line called ‘Blue Label Burberry’ – the products are made in China.
Official Burberry items are made in the US, Italy and China (probably other countries too).
iPod’s (and accesories) are also made in China you fool. You need a slap in the face. Do you think that everything ‘Made in China’ is fake? Stop being such a dumbass.