The famous Koenji Awa Odori festival is, bar the customary drinking and eating, about three things: dancing, dancing and, erm, dancing. However, the only trouble is, with well over a million visitors over the space of two evenings, seeing said dancing is often easier said than done. And taking photos of it is even trickier. Especially so if too much time is spent dabbling in the aforementioned drinking and eating.
So, whilst I did manage to bag at least a few shots of the main attraction, covering the young.

Not so young.

And the two of them in tandem.

Most of my captures were of those providing the accompaniment.

Which included all kinds of instruments.

And again, all kinds of ages.

But one thing is for sure: trying to get pictures with so many people there was tiring, but obviously nowhere near as tiring as actually taking part.

keiran8 says
Great festival shots. Big fan of the old guy playing the flute(?),
Lee says
Thank you!
Alicia says
Very cool. 🙂 Keep them coming!
Lee says
Thanks Alicia, I’ll certainly try to!
ameiji says
Cute youngsters and charismatic elders. 🙂 What never fails to amaze me is the colorful and delicate design of traditional festive garments. Thanks for your struggle with those potables and edibles which provided us this curious review. 😉
Lee says
You are welcome!
Yeah, I know what you mean, they really does make for quite a spectacle don’t they?
Abraham Lincoln says
You really do nice photography.
Lee says
Thanks Abraham! Very kind of you to say so.
Lizzy says
I think my favorite is the older woman in the second picture. She really appears to be enjoying herself!
ameiji says
Btw, does anybody know why is she dressed like a ‘traditional’ thief?