The traditional Japanese diet of fish, vegetables, tofu and the like has consistently kept Japanese ladies at the top of the world’s longevity league table, but whilst a gradual change to more western style meals may well reduce these lengthy life spans, it would appear to be having the opposite effect on the nation’s burgeoning breast sizes.
A newly coined look called ‘bon-kyu-bon’ (big-small-big) attests to the size of this phenomena, with Japanese manufacturers now producing bras with less padding for those ladies who aren’t exactly lacking; however for women not quite so well-endowed, help would appear to be at hand with these curve-inducing cookies.

A similar product for men, tentatively titled ‘bulging briefs biscuits’, is rumoured to be ready for release early next year, although some commentators are claiming it may come sooner than expected.
(click image for colossal-sized cookies)
kirai says
really good news 🙂 But there is still a long way to go, we need to spread gaijin genes, see if it grows even more.
J Greely says
At first I thought this was an unusually amusing bit of Engrish, and then I translated the label. Sure enough, “pueraria mirifica” is being sold as an herbal breast-enlarger. 3.9 grams of fat per cookie might not be enough to get them all the way to F, though…
a rutter says
how & where do i purchase f cup cookies or tea
April says
so where do i find these kinda of cookies?
Chris says
I gotta get some of these for the mrs when Im next over
Paul says
How can i get some of these cookies?
Lisa Jane says
Where would I purchase these cookies?
Are they healthy for you?
Do they work?
Is there any medical proof?
Miku says
Try here if you want to buy them:
Don’t know if they work…
mieda says
i wonder, there’s any other flavor?