Still fast asleep at the last stop, on the last train, this weary traveller may not have known where he was, let alone the time, but at least the impeccably turned out platform attendant was there to ever so gently ease him out of his slumber.
Reader Interactions
That brings back memories. I don’t know how many times I was rudely awakened at the end of the line when I was a kid in Chicago.
Haha, that’s a very good question! I’d had a good few, but was pleasantly surprised that I got the shot. Got his face nicely focused too. Very pleased!
Martin says
That brings back memories. I don’t know how many times I was rudely awakened at the end of the line when I was a kid in Chicago.
Lee says
Going on a train was a rare treat when I was growing up. Not so anymore!
Tony says
The well practiced arms length nudge of a man who’s been sick on before
Lee says
Haha, that’s so true. He wants to keep those well polished shoes completely vomit free. And who could blame him?
Lizzy says
I love that. I could not imagine him being treated so gingerly over. here. Hopefully he didn’t miss his intended stop.
Lee says
Yeah, there was a really endearing nature about his gentleness. Really nice to see.
As for the fella who was fast asleep, who knows. But as you say, fingers crossed he didn’t.
Taki says
A better question might be, what were you doing on the last train, at the last stop and in any condition to be taking a photograph 🙂
Lee says
Haha, that’s a very good question! I’d had a good few, but was pleasantly surprised that I got the shot. Got his face nicely focused too. Very pleased!