Whether the unusual nature of this publication is in relation to its literary worth hasn’t been disclosed, but Sanseido Books is selling a summary of the Architectural Body by Shusaku Arakawa and Madeline Gins on toilet paper.

For any bathroom tissue aficionados out there, each roll is 30-metres long, and thankfully double-layered. However cost wise this toilet tract doesn’t come cheap, as each roll retails at 350 yen (almost 2 pound). But for the combination of reading matter, and the, erm, ability to remove matter, it’s arguably not a bad price.
Olivia says
Some kind of innovation for the lame? 😉
dzogo says
Love the girl’s teeth. Quite typical of Japanese women!
Kazumi says
At least that would explain why he spends nearly an hour sitting in there…
Nacente says
Now they can listen listen to the music, while reading….that’s culture!
melina says
do they offer these with the “spray -n- wash” toilets complimentary?
Jarkko says
Hahaa! This is great news! My special someone likes to read to take her mind out of the actual process. Almost every day I see a short play of frantic magazine suffling while she is trying to decide what to read this time. It would be a great relief for her to be provided some convenient reading at public toilets.
By the way, I think that this is wonderful media for advertising. I would like to see an ad from radical fashion magazine, printing a roll or two of “high fashion, low fashion” -slogan ads. McDonalds could use “Im loving it” at their in-restaurant toilets. 😀
Toni says
I dunno. Wouldn’t ink get on your butt?
Jarkko says
Thank God it IS double-layered.