The Japanese love of mayonnaise is nothing new, with the egg-based dressing used on a whole host of foodstuffs — fried chicken being the top choice by all accounts. Yet a new restaurant in Nagoya has taken this love to a whole new level, basing the whole menu on mayonnaise; the establishment making sure there are no mistakes in regards to its methods by naming it Mayomayo.

For creamy connoisseurs not able to quite finish off a whole tub in one sitting, the restaurant offers a ‘bottle keep’ service, allowing customers to write their name on the unfinished container and have it kept for a month.

Meaning those whose cholesterol levels have dipped from hazardous to merely high can quickly pop back in and boost it back up. A nice dish of mayonnaise tofu perhaps doing the trick.

Or for something on the sweet side, a cone of mayo ice cream could be ideal.

A devotion to dressing that some of the restaurant’s regulars appear to take a little too far, rather worryingly combining creamy consumption with cosplay.

(via the FG forums)
Shari says
I wonder if mayonnaise is as bad for you as its reputation would indicate. The Japanese aren’t exactly known for their cholesterol problems and they seem to consume both mayo and eggs with abandon. Perhaps it’s more about your overall diet and not just the consumption of a particular food.
Angela K Yee says
It probably is, because I read about how in regards to their fish and iodine consumption, they are able to tolerate so much iodine than the average person because of how they eat many of certain vegetables like cabbage, which helps to cancel out the negative effect of iodine. So maybe there is something in their healthy diet that offsets cholesterol as well…
Bunny says
Well, that was the “cream” story of the day! Perhaps, you could name your “sauce” for that. I am not “dressing” you down! BOOM! BOOM!
kirai says
hate mayonnaise in all my food. Well, maybe a little bit on top of my takoyaki 😉
RT says
Saw a Japanese tv segment several years ago about a small restaurant/bar with a similar menu. But it included mayonnaise based drinks (non-alcoholic and alcoholic). Looked perfectly revolting.
shinobi says
Dear god that is the most disgusting resteraunt I have ever laid eyes on…Excuse me while I vomit.
Paul says
Nika says
Well that certainly has just murdered my appetite D: I specifically am very disturbed by the slight yellowish color of that Mayo-ice cream……
FireyNinja says
Gintama’s Hijitaka’s heaven on Earth…
KatBut says
I am in a pure heavenly mayo coma right now…..on bucket list!