What can you say about Japan? Just do what you want until someone stops you. Sign says no smoking, so just go ahead and completely ignore it. I live in Suginami and the ground is plastered with no smoking signs, but it doesn’t stop anyone from lighting up.
It’s a weird one. In so many situations people tend to follow rules no matter how pointless they are, and then in other circumstances (like the one above) they completely and utterly ignore them…
Ron Ouwerkerk says
Haha, love the casual disregard of the No! Smoking sign. I guess the emphasis was not sufficient.
Lee says
I know eh? Perhaps one more sign would have done it!
DavidT says
I’m not a fan of smokers but gotta admit this is pretty funny! 🙂
Lee says
Yeah, his nonchalant disregard is really something.
john says
Film noir method actor?
Let’s hope those doors don’t lead to a room of flamboyant Rococo cleaning product.
Lee says
Yeah, he does have the right look, doesn’t he?
Or perhaps a room full of more, utterly ineffectual signs.
Rohan Gillett says
What can you say about Japan? Just do what you want until someone stops you. Sign says no smoking, so just go ahead and completely ignore it. I live in Suginami and the ground is plastered with no smoking signs, but it doesn’t stop anyone from lighting up.
Lee says
It’s a weird one. In so many situations people tend to follow rules no matter how pointless they are, and then in other circumstances (like the one above) they completely and utterly ignore them…
WizardOfOss says
Seems like the “No graffiti” sign did work though. After all, there’s no graffiti on that one panel 🙂
Lee says
Haha, that’s very true and very funny!