The shop below has presumably long since closed, but like so many little businesses in Tokyo, it’s a part of the house, so is still in use for storage, comings and goings, plus now and again a good bit of gossiping.
The latter was briefly interrupted when they spotted me, but thankfully there was time for a clearly visible yet covered smile before they got right back to it.
Stephan says
Masks but no social distancing! 🙂
Lee says
Yeah, masks are pretty much ubiquitous these days despite the heat, but social distancing not quite so much…
cdilla says
That’s a lovely photograph. The eyes say it all.
I like that umbrella stand – not something I’d seen before, even in Japan, in that form.
Lee says
Cheers. They really do, don’t they? Yeah, it’s a peculiar looking thing. I can’t work out of it’s purpose built, or it’s been repurposed. Either way though it does the job perfectly.