It’s impossible to even guess how many times I must have walked past this lovely looking old sweet shop — both on my own, and on one of my Tokyo photowalk tours. A sight that due to its patched up nature and overgrown exterior never disappointed. There was the added bonus of the lovely little karaoke sign for the establishment next door too. The only problem was that upon turning the corner, there was always the very real chance of it not being there anymore. Partly because so many of Tokyo’s older structures are disappearing, but even more so due to the planned widening of the road, with this place slowly but surely becoming one of the last surviving hold outs.
And just recently that day sadly arrived. Initially the shop was simply shut with a sign posted saying thanks for all the custom, along with the added info that circumstances meant they had to close down after 50 years in business. Then not long after that the demolition crew arrived and unceremoniously started to tear it down. A scene that on the second day was made all the more poignant by the man on the left watching it all happen. His own shop once occupied the exact spot he was standing on, so I’ve included a photo of him working there back in the day.
But that was then and this is now, and sadly neither place exists anymore. Cars will undoubtedly travel by quicker in the future, but the journey itself will be a lot less interesting.