A sunny walk up the street to the local shops.
Then the walk back home a little later with all the day’s provisions.
Photographs from a small group of islands
Lanterns are always photogenic, and a confidently worn trilby is possibly even more appealing, so to get both in the same frame was pleasing to say the least.
Back in September 2016, I took this photo, in a certain way, and at a certain time of the day.
Then last week I took another photo in more or less the same spot, but this time in a different way, at a different time of the year, and under considerably different lighting conditions. An exercise that seemed entirely fitting, as the wonderfully arranged streets are themselves now slightly different.
There were numerous drafts of this, but none of them felt appropriate, or managed to capture the horribly poignant nature of that jarring English phrase. Then it dawned on me that the words in the photograph said something, but at the same time had absolutely zero substance, and that seemed entirely fitting considering how the problem of poverty is almost always approached.