Amid all the furore concerning Japan’s scientific whale hunting and the introduction of blubber burgers in some restaurants, the nation’s penchant for penguin might just go unnoticed.

Ok, I’ll admit that the restaurant/bar doesn’t actually serve penguin — at least not that I’m aware of — but it does claim to have one of the comical and flightless birds on the premises.
For what reason is anybodies guess.
christina baker says
It is so obvious why the penguin is there! I mean,hello!
He is wearing a tuxedo! He is their new head waiter!
Hanuman says
I’ve never understood how a country so steeped in the teachings of the Compassionate One can be so cruel to their animal bretheren…..
denise says
i wonder if they’re showing the movie “march of the penguins” in japan? if they did, then that penguin would be sooo popular. an idol maybe? nah… anyhow, i agree with hanuman. it seems cruel.
Procrastination says
To add a little extra information here. There is a bar in Kagoshima-city (south end of main-land Japan) where the bar keeps a live Alligator… together with this Penguin bar, for the love of god why do they do such things… I am Japanese and I don’t even understand why?
DC says
Everyone is so quick to judge others by their standards, but they rarely look at themselves in a truthful light.