Perhaps realising that the limited edition Kamen Rider belt isn’t exactly going to send share prices soaring, toymaker Bandai has decided to re-release the nekonyanbou, its famous cat’s paw toy. A bizarre little plaything that first saw the light of day 20 years ago; rather surprisingly shipping over a million units.

As the picture clearly shows, each nekonyanbou moves in a way similar to a real cat’s leg/paw — albeit a severed one. And if that’s not enough to have you immediately rushing to the shops brandishing bank notes, it’s available in different colours too.
Once purchased, the plastic paw can be used in a variety of inventive and fun ways. For starters, there’s the ability to scratch unsuspecting colleagues’ necks. Something of a hoot at lunch time apparently.

Or for the even more playful, there’s always the option of a bit of feline flirtation, although admittedly this does require the extra purchase of some silly ears. Oh, and a second nekonyanbou.

And for those tired out from such frivolity, the multipurpose mitt is ideal for, erm, lazily grabbing ever so slightly out of reach cups of coffee — or indeed tea.

Finally, there’s also this.

Whatever it may be.
Alex says
HA! Only the Japanese. But what the heck is going on in the last picture?
quaisi says
He`s calling for a refund when it dawned on him he`d bought a useless plastic cat`s paw?
Paul says
Ha ha! I want one of them.
cat says
i want it tooo…!!
i think that guy use it as a receiver as well?
Nekonote says
The last picture is in reference to the Japanese saying, “So busy, one could even use the helping hand of a cat.”
ahmad says
i want to by nice plastic body with lovely pussy
REPLICANT1967 says
A friend of mine gave me this pussy paw as a gift…honestly I have to say that the paw is an instant crowd pleaser with hours and hours of pussy shenanigans arising with it’s presence!!! Power to the pussy paw!!!
tony says
WHERE AND WHEN CAN I GET ONE? please respond!!!!
Lee says
I saw one once in Don Quijote Tony. That was a long time ago though.
susul bahal says
hi i am susil from nepal n now i am in afghanistan i am looking for artifical pussy