With the Japanese population shrinking, and the current crop of kids weaned on games and gadgets, playgrounds possessing simple things like swings and sandpits are probably not all that popular anymore.
But to be honest, if they all contain such dismal and decidedly disquieting ‘playthings’ as this,
then all in all, it’s probably for the best.
(click image for higher-res head)
an englishman in osaka says
And it looks as if it’s cried an acid tear at the sadness of it all….
Hunty says
OMG! It’s just like the end of “Planet of the Humans”!!
You blew it all up! Damn you!!!
OsakaGuy says
Hunty gets my “best blog comment of the day award”. Bravo, I lolled.
Shane Sakata says
Awesome photo with a very insightful comment!
Adam says
Damn, Hunty beat me to it! OK, since I can’t lampoon, “Planet,” how about: hey, is that leftover from TV’s “Time of the Apes”? Sandy Frank ahoy!