Post-work drinks are very often an integral part of office life in Japan, regardless of whether the participants want to go out boozing with their bosses or not. They will, do, and that’s all there is to it. And as this previously posted picture appears to prove, such evenings aren’t always much fun, let alone the stress relievers they should be.

But thankfully that’s not always the case. In fact the complete opposite can actually be true. As photographed in the exact same spot, along with the very same senior figure, is a night of smiles.

Not scowls.

Coli says
Great. Same suit and shirt. The only thing different with him is his hair is a wee bit longer. But I’d love to try that place out.
Lee says
It’s a very cool little spot. One of my faves. Next time you make it to Tokyo, give me a shout and we can head over there.
Coli says
Sounds excellent! Thank you for your offer. 🙂
Lee says
Not at all. It’ll be fun.
Martin B says
I really like the impromptu look of some of these bars, set up a few makeshift tables on the street, grab a few crates of beer, make sure you get the stove out and put the kettle on, almost as if they decided to open up on the spur of the moment and stayed like that for years, maybe even decades.
Lee says
Likewise. Can’t beat that rough and ready approach.
That’s a great way of looking at it. Quite possibly true too.
Jeffrey says
Hibiya under the Yamanote-sen?
Lee says
Nah, Nishi-Ogikubo by the Chuo-sen.
June says
Good to see them enjoying a happy time!
Lee says
Yes, maybe the older fella isn’t a bad boss after all!
Alex says
Different day, different mood.
Lee says
Yes, and a different day at work.