Landscape photography isn’t something I generally do, but when recently out of the city with someone who does, it would have been silly not to try, and sillier still considering the scenery on display. Below then are my efforts, the results of which are very different from the usual photos seen on Tokyo Times. Basically the Japanese Alps basking in just about the last of the summer sun, along with the sounds and serenity of some rice fields in the valley below.
Celine says
So beautiful. I miss the mountains so much.
Lee says
Thank you. I can definitely understand why. Once we starting hiking up there, I was blown away with how beautiful it was. Definitely something I should do more often.
ellen says
Ha, no kidding it’s different but I love it! 🙂
Lee says
Just a bit eh? But yeah, it was quite something to say the least.
Matthias says
Lovely scenery…! And I believe the way you photograph people is outstanding, the first two pictures show it. There is a sense of humor in them, too.
The sound clip is wonderful, thanks for that!
Lee says
Thank you very much. To be honest, the people made it for me, which presumably proves landscape really isn’t my thing. That said, very glad to hear their presence there worked for you as well.
And you are welcome. It was lovely standing by the rice fields surrounded by the mountains and insect sounds. Glad I remembered too. Need to do recordings more often.
YTSL says
Lee — You may say/think that landscape photography isn’t your thing but your photos of the Japanese Alps are breathtaking all the same!
Lee says
Thank you very much, that’s really kind of you. I shall have to try more, although it’ll be tough to find scenes more striking than this.
cdilla says
That is some marvelous scenary you found there. The clarity you have in your photographs was certainly given full reign in these less closed in environments.
Do keep with the sound recordings too. You will want them as soundtracks to your exhibitions in future 🙂
The last one is my favourite though. It looks very like Totoro country. Seeing the catbus galloping across the scene would not have suprised me at all.
Lee says
Thank you. Yeah, it was interesting to see all those details on such a grand scale.
Cheers. Really need to do more, but all too often forget until afterwards. Thankfully not this time at least.
That scenes was lovely. So peaceful as well. A world away from Tokyo that’s for sure.
Renita says
A gorgeous journey out of your comfort zone!!! I LOVE the last picture!!!!!!!
The first and second one are more in your zone—cool too.
Thank you for the trip to the mountains. Renita in NC/US
Lee says
It really was. And thanks a lot, glad you like that one. Very happy wth the way it came out. Pretty much exactly what I hoped for.
Yeah, having the people there definitely helped — a lot! And you are very welcome. It was much needed and very enjoyable.
Sophie says
Beautiful! I love the third photo, clouds with the first autumn foliage, it’s stunning.
What’s making the rice paddy soundscape? Insects? Birds? A mix of the two?
Lee says
Thank you. Must admit, that scene stopped me in my tracks. The mountains were just breathtaking, and the clouds were absolutely perfect. A real treat.
I think I’m right in saying it’s all insects. Bell crickets, and clearly lots of them. It’s a lovely sound. Summer is very much the sound of cicada, or perhaps more accurately, the noise of the cicada, but once we move towards autumn, the bell crickets have their time. I live by a canal, and now, once evening falls, the sound of the bell crickets take over. A sound made even better as there’s no need for aircon anymore, so with the windows open, it’s even more noticeable.
john says
Initially the last image seemed very underexposed in comparison!
It’s got a nice straight line … just like in the city.
“One by one, all the stars appear ..
In the million insect storm, the constellations form”
Spinning Away
Brian Eno & John Cale
Lee says
It does, rather, doesn’t it? Taking that involved things I almost never do. A tripod and a long exposure. My camera does a max of 8 seconds without venturing into bulb mode, so I stuck with that, a high ISO and the lens almost wide open. But did manage to get the faint moonlight, so that was good. Just so peaceful as well.
Ah, wonderful. Actually have Eno on now, so even better.
john says
Wow, a tripod! Thanks for the details. It all worked out well.
Neat; evidently music for Tokyo Times.
Lee says
I know. A tripod! Such a common, everyday thing for many photographers, but I absolutely hate the damn things. The setting up, the extra thing to carry, and most of all the restrictiveness. But still, sometimes they simply can’t be avoided…
GenjiG says
Visiting your blog you might think of Japan just existing of old, tired concrete 😉
Good to see the beautiful Japanese nature again! 😀
Lee says
Haha, I can’t really argue with that, although I do sometimes photograph crumbling buildings in the mountains. Does that not count?
All joking aside though, yeah, it really was. With everything that’s being going on, both personally and nationally, to get out of Tokyo, and out into nature, was exactly what the doctor ordered.
GenjiG says
True, lets call that best of both worlds!
I understand what you’re saying, my doctor ordered surgery but nature really heals and gives strength so we do hike a lot 🙂 Take care.