A spot of lunch time laundry — possibly washing away the wantonness of the weekend, or even working up to welcome in the next one.

Photographs from a small group of islands
Winter in Japan is not exactly wonderful, with the vast majority of Tokyo’s homes being far from toasty; the idea of central heating or insulation seemingly seen as rather silly — surplus to requirements even.
That said, the season’s clearer skies do bring a little colour as well as the cold, particularly in the guise of Japan’s famous and fantastically formed Fuji. Which, with its almost perfect conical appearance, can warm at least the cockles of even the most cold-hearted of curmudgeons.
For maybe a minute or two.
(click image for full-sized Fuji)
When Japan makes the jump into 2008, this basic little shrine bell will be ringing like there’s no tomorrow — or even yesterday.
But for now, all is calm and quiet, with nothing to disturb it except the odd foreigner taking furtive photos.
Coming from Britain, where the full compass of weather conditions can sometimes be experienced in a single day, the Japanese fondness of informing foreigners that Japan has four seasons seems a little lame to say the least.
Yet that said, as winter gradually winds it way along the archipelago, autumn’s arresting colours will be sadly missed.
For a little while at least.