Clubs, curry and kimono-clad clichés.

Photographs from a small group of islands
Traditionally dressed tots at Japanese festivals are far from uncommon, although in this particular case, rather than sneaking a peek at her parents,
she may well have been peering at a prodigious pink penis.
After years of losing ground at the breakfast table to bread and its tasty little brother toast, rice has recently seen something of a resurgence, due to the ever-increasing prices of wheat and flour. A shift that has obviously not gone unnoticed by Japan’s Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry, which has launched a public relations blitz in an attempt to take advantage of the trend — resulting in comical, if not necessarily convincing, campaigns such as this.
A situation that is obviously good news for Japan’s rice producers, and one that, should sales really start to soar, may even force this old fella to forego his time-honoured method and finally fork out for something more mechanical.