With the summer sumo tournament currently huffing and puffing its way to a close, it seems the perfect time to once again give away a few more banzuke.

Due to the resounding success of the bang-out-a-haiku-for-a-banzuke approach adopted back in March, the format will remain the same this time too. Also, topic wise there are no restrictions again — so whether your effort is humorous or even heartfelt, just stick to the format and you’ll be in with a chance*.
Is five, followed by seven
Then five to finish
Finally, as a bit of inspiration — and an excuse to once again show off a rare decent-ish photo — is a picture of Toki and his phenomenal facial hair.

(click image for super-sized sideburns)
*Winners will be announced (and contacted by email) on August 20th, as I’m on holiday until then. Tokyo Times however will continue to be updated due to a backlog of mildly interesting pictures and the fantastic invention of ‘future posting’.
Peter says
Toki Sumo dude
Even with Elvis sideburns
Needs a D-cup bra
Hanuman1960 says
With sideburns like that
Toki could be Wolverine
If X-Men got fat
RisingSunOfNihon says
the facial hair is quite a bit. being Japanese they dont have much hair on their body period but when it comes to sumo guys…few lot of hair. espaesially the back hair…haha
Dan says
Where you acquire these
Seemingly rare banzuke
Raises suspicion…
Chris Wardlaw says
Limp, perfumed topknot–
Nagoya heat presses down.
Loincloth: sweaty thong
Nic says
Anyone else see
A striking resemblance to
The Three Stooge`s Joe?
…just me then 🙁
manny says
Unbeknownst to all
Figgy Pudding addict hides
‘Neath a placid face
Foster says
as cherry blossoms
descend in lofty autumn,
so do his sideburns
Locke says
This is my haiku, which in revolutionary avant garde and dadaist fashion I have given a title, simply:
Magnum Opus
If this turns into
Such a work–let it be true
It is a small thing
by Locke; failed poet of the high romantics/post-modern gymnastics periods.
Isn’t a MAGNUM OPUS appropriate for a sumo challenge?
Neil says
Tokisama wa
mawashi ga kitana
kunate kita
JOL says
Only Love and Respect for Sumo.