Japan’s rapidly ageing population is set to cause all kinds of problems in the coming years, not least of which will be the massive drain on what’s going to become a dwindling pool of tax payers.
Yet aside from the obvious benefit to those not dead yet, there are advantages; such longevity creating fabulously featured faces that are fantastic to photograph. And this particular old lady has a face full of stories, as well as the demeanor of one definitely not to be messed with.

Mirinda says
Wow, thats quite a profile…….
Lee says
Yes, it is, isn’t it?
gnorimies says
sweet old lady 😉
Lee says
Probably. Just not one to be messed with!
willy says
…The old folk In Japan. Wow, so many memories.. I lived in Fukushima …one day my old neighbor ascended from her field, harvest-laden basket in hand, and in a sort of shrill, yet friendly tone… and in the local dialect… one hot summer afternoon… she yelled to me “Chuuri kuwanigai? ” (want some cucumbers?)
The oldies around there spend a lot of time on the farm. It was a joy to see them “up an at it”, aged 70, 80, even 90 sometimes… I kind of inspiration…mostly they seemed happy.
Eat your cucumbers! live long!
Lee says
Ah, the secret to longevity, cucumbers!
We were up in Nasu once, and parked by the side of a field with a few old people working in it was one of those electric wheelchairs. Clearly getting to the fields had become a problem, but obviously not working in them…
Lizzy says
Definitely makes me wonder what could be on her mind.
ergasia apo to spiti says
Old age sometimes make ugly one face but sometimes remains beautiful facial features. Old people is good people.