A while ago I photographed this fella who appeared to be comfortably — or perhaps otherwise — in possession of Tokyo’s shortest shorts.
It turns out, however, that he isn’t, as the man below boasts what can only be described as the shortest of very short, short shorts. A bold look that’s boosted even further by his cheeky little butterfly tattoo.
Delores says
😮 Nice butt!
Lee says
Certainly a bottom he’s immensely proud of!
MrSatyre says
Oh, God, no! Oh! No! God! No! Oh God, oh God, oh God! Oh, God, no!
Lee says
So as far as fashion goes, is it fair to assume that you think its hit rock bottom…?
Coli says
I’m at a total loss of words. Lol. I can’t imagine why anyone male or female would want to wear these out in public. What were people’s reaction to his clothes? But on second thought I’m sure many people just pretended he didn’t exist.
Lee says
It’s quite a look, isn’t it? Still pretty warm though, so at least it’s not wholly impractical.
But yeah, apart from some double takes, he was mostly ignored. I got more looks for taking his photo!
cdilla says
Character by the buttload.
And a fair bit of brass of your own to raise your camera from that angle at such proximity.
Love it.
And it’s not showing anything you don’t see in a sumo ring. In fact in square inches of visible ham considerably less 🙂
Lee says
Indeed. Even more bravery too. Japan may well be very accepting — or perhaps more accurately, good at pretending something doesn’t exist — but still, to potter about like this takes guts. I was going to say balls, but I could pretty much see them anyway!
My part, on the other hand, was easy. The only difficulty being trying to nail the focus while walking behind him, although the butterfly helped in that respect!
Jenn says
OMG! 😮
Lee says
Not something you see everyday eh?
Mareva says
Oh my goodness! What a contrast between this “show off” guy and the girl at the left, utterly dressed. Times change!
Well done Lee.
Lee says
Yes, it really is quite a contrast, isn’t it? Very nice to get that element in the photo as well, and not just the main subject.
Peg says
Ouch! That looks painful. The choice of shoes and knee-socks is equally troubling.
Lee says
Yes, they didn’t exactly look designed for comfort. Things at the similarly short front were rather, erm, squashed up!
YTSL says
That guy absolutely must have exhibitionist tendencies since I cannot imagine those shorts being comfortable to wear!
Lee says
Yes, I think there’s absolutely no doubt about that whatsoever!
Jeffrey says
Is this a current fad?
Lee says
Happy to confirm that it’s not. Just the two fellas as far as I know. Or at least I hope so!
John Edwardes says
I never saw this Guy when I was in Tokyo, but it is a very big city. If I had, I would have invited him out to Lunch. I love Guys who are an exception to the rule.
Alberto González Iglesias says
I love this chap! He walks all proud of himself … and of his butt.
Richard says
If guys can wear them I would give them a try. But I would wear a pair of tights under: it would still show my body shape but hide any ugliness of my butt.
Ken says
I give him credit for wearing what he eants and not being ashamed of it. If woman can go around with short skirts and these kind of short shorts, why cant a guy whise proud of his body?
Ken says
He knows he has a great butt and very nice legs and thighs. Why not show them off in a world where women can go around almost half naked and no one says anything about it? Nice butt and thighs my short short friend. P.S. I have short shorts that I too wear out and have gotten nothing but compliments on my legs and butt so kudos to him!