In a country that places such a great importance on appearance, it’s surprising how many salary men sport truly shocking wigs. Hairpieces that are often so obvious it can only be assumed that the wearers eyesight has faded as much as their follicles.
Yet for their own — not to mention other commuters — convenience, thankfully none of them are as ludicrous as this wonderfully large creation.

Pixelkitty says
Someone’s been playing Beautiful Katamari!
Lee says
It certainly seems that way, doesn’t it?!
Matt says
They really are quite special. Very Margesque.
Lee says
Haha, hadn’t thought about it that way.
Josee says
Are they street buskers?
Lee says
Yes. Shortly after I took the photo they started setting up, producing some fancy looking guitars. I didn’t hang around though, so I don’t know what they sounded like.
mimi says
Am I on drugs or is this real?
Lee says
I’m happy (I think) to say it’s very real!
Lizzy says
Definitely a sight to see.
Lee says
They were. Not an everyday sight for sure.
Geanina says
Fabulous. Made my day. The amount of randomness in this picture is staggering. Double take, jogging and uncanny wigs. You truly have a talent for capturing those unique moments in life. Cheers 😀
Lee says
Thanks. And glad to hear it. The wigs were obviously my main aim, but it was great to catch the double take too.
misiltan says
Omoshiroi :))
Mayumi says
Guy in the left is my friend. They are street performers licensed by Tokyo Metropolitan city and they performed around the world:-) I am happy to see them here!
Lee says
No way! Small world eh?
That’s interesting. I didn’t even know Tokyo had licensed street performers. Great to hear they travel the world doing what they live too.